
Environmental management

  • Biodiversity conservation

    Plans and programs for biodiversity conservation, action plans for plant and animal species, management plans for protected territories and Natura 2000 areas, determination of compensatory measures, mapping and monitoring of biodiversity.

  • Analyses and assessments

    Environmental impact assessment (EIA) for investment projects, Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) for policies, plans and programs, impact analyses and assessments of manufacturing companies in operation and other implemented projects.

  • Consultations

    Consultations on investment proposals, implementation of good practices in companies, opinions on environmental issues, interpretation of environmental legislation

  • Waste management

    Comprehensive waste management service from waste generation to waste re-use and recycling or disposal. Ensuring compliance of waste treatment activities with relative legislation.

  • Plans and programs

    Plans and programmes for monitoring and enhancement of environmental components, assistance in applying of the defined activities and measures.


  • Екологична отчетност

    Ангажимент на бизнеса по екологичното законодателство. Водене на отчетност, задължения по специализираните нормативни документи, определяне на отговорните институции за контрол, консултации по специфични казуси и други.

  • Химични вещества

    Класифициране на веществата, информационни листове за безопасност, изисквания за етикетиране и опаковане, задължения на лицата, съхраняващи химични вещества, правила за съхранение и други.

Urban planning

  • Strategic and spatial planning

    Elaboration of strategic and spatial plans in compliance with the Spatial development act, the Regional development act and other regulations

  • Urban design

    Public spaces concepts and design, spatial surveys, based on the interaction between urbanism, landscape architecture and architecture.