Conducting training of employees from “Acibadem City Clinic” EAD, “Acibadem City Clinic UMBAL” Ltd. and “Acibadem City Clinic MBAL Tokuda” EAD on the following topics: “Management of hospital and medical waste. Taking accountability in the new National Information System “Waste” (NISO)” and “Safe storage and legal labelling and packaging of chemical substances and mixtures”. The aim of the trainings is for the participants to acquire the necessary competence regarding management of waste under the premises of the associations, their accountability, as well as receiving up-to-date information on safe storage of chemical substances, labelling as required by law, and packaging. Through the knowledge acquired during the training, employees can perform their duties according to the normative requirements regarding management of waste produced on the grounds of health care and medical facilities, as well as safe storage and work with hazardous chemical substances and mixtures.
Training in Acibadem City Clinic
Implementation period:
2017 – 2018
“Acibadem City Clinic” EAD, “Acibadem City Clinic UMBAL” Ltd. and “Acibadem City Clinic MBAL Tokuda” EAD
Engineer Stanislav Nikolov, Engineer Hristomir Nikolov, Veselin Panayotov