Conservation, maintenance and rehabilitation of species in Central Balkan National Park

The project activities aim conservation, maintenance and rehabilitation of species in Central Balkan National Park. They are as follows:

  • Elaboration of public procurements documentation;
  • Consultancy and participation in the procurement procedures;
  • Ongoing control over the implementation of the assigned activities;
  • Verification of the results presented by the contractors and preparation of expert opinions;
  • Implementing control, guidance and monitoring of the implementation of the activities;
  • Preparation of a report.

The following was done:

  • Rehabilitation, conservation and maintenance of the population of the western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus);
  • Rehabilitation, conservation and maintenance of the population of the saker falcon (Falco cherrug);
  • Conservation and maintenance of the populations of the large mammals;
  • Conservation and maintenance of the populations of the brown trout (Salmo trutta fario).

The project activities have been implemented within the implementation of public procurement “Selection of Natura Consultant” under DIR5113325-12-109 “Central Balkan – a park for everyone” Project.