Comprehensive Master Plans of Municipalities

The Comprehensive Master Plans (CMP) of municipalities are strategic documents defining the future development of a municipality for a period of 20 years ahead. They are elaborated in two stages – preliminary and final project, the preliminary project being subject to coordination procedures with a number of interested bodies and persons, including the concerned community.

Simultaneously with the elaboration of the Comprehensive Master Plans, a strategic impact assessment procedure (SIA) is carried out and, at the discretion of the competent authorities, an assessment of compatibility of the plan with the conservation objectives of Natura 2000 areas. This allows the final draft of the Master Plan to be consistent with environmental and human health protection objectives, as well as reflecting the views of stakeholders on the future development of the municipality.

Coordination procedures include the presentation of preliminary projects to the public and institutions concerned (public consultation), but our team also performs an earlier presentation of the CMP sketch to ensure broad access to the plan and to reflect as much as possible the proposals of all affected parties.

The Master Plan of the Koprivshtitsa Municipality and the Gorna Malina Municipality have been completed successfully. The Master Plan of the Madzharovo Municipality is under implementation.

Highly qualified experts are involved in the elaboration of the Master Plans.